Discover how REKT you got thanks to the Unrektus Engine
Last updated
Discover how REKT you got thanks to the Unrektus Engine
Last updated
How much did you get REKT?
Discover your entire history of getting REKT by connecting your Wallet and pushing the button "How REKT am I":
The Unrektus Engine will then calculate every time you got REKT, and display all those trades:
The Unrektus Engine will give you the following information:
The names of the token pair you have bought and sold and got REKT on tip: You can press on Name to order the list by alphabetical order
Gainz (%) The gains in percentages for this trade The gain values will be negative if you got REKT The Unrektus Engine shows you also the trade where you have a negative gain ratio, meaning the trades where you MADEIT (see below on this page for illustration) tip: You can press on Gainz (%) to order the list from the most REKT to the highest gainz, or vice versa
Profit/Loss For your negative gainz (<0%) trades, this column will tell you how much you got REKT For your positive gainz (>0%) trades, this column will tell you how much you MADEIT tip: You can press on Profit/Loss to order the list in increasing/decreasing order of the highest lost or profit
Transactions As proof that you got REKT, the Unrektus Engine will tell you your BUY transaction and your SELL transaction
On top of showing how much you got REKT, the Unrektus Engine will as well display the times you MADEIT:
The trades where you MADEIT will displayed your Gainz in green instead of pink.